P&O Pacific Aria
Class Action

A P&O Pacific Aria Class Action has been filed on behalf of passengers on P&O’s Pacific Aria that sailed from Brisbane into the path of a Category 5 cyclone in May, 2017.

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Carter Capner Law initiated the P&O Pacific Aria Class Action on behalf of cruise ship passengers who boarded the Pacific Aria on 5 May 2017 in Brisbane for a 7 night South-Pacific cruise, only to set sail into adverse weather and heavy seas associated with cyclone Donna. 


Many passengers were confined to their cabins for the majority of the trip while the ship navigated heavy seas, strong winds, closed ports and crashing waves. The claim seeks to recover damages for disappointment and distress and a refund of the cruise fare paid by each passenger and for those who travelled to join the ship in Brisbane from afar, their travel costs.